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Camellia Sinensis is the name of the tea bush that is also used to make green tea. Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract is the extract of the plant leaves, which is used in cosmetics as a skin care product. (1,2)

This leaf extract is particularly beneficial for skin care due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. (3,4,5)

The antioxidant ability of green tea extract is based on the composition of its bioactive components. These include polyphenols, amino acids, vitamins and other secondary plant substances. (2,6)

(1) Bährle-Rapp, M. (2012). Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege. 4th revised and expanded edition. Springer.

(2) Becker, L., Bergfeld, W., Belsito, D., Hill, R., Klaassen, C., Liebler, D., Marks, J., Shank, R., Slaga, T., Snyder, P., Gill, L., & Heldreth, B. (2019). Safety Assessment of Camellia sinensis-Derived Ingredients As Used in Cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 38, 48-70.

(3) Gue, J., Ha, L., Chung, P., Woo, J., Choe, T., & Lee, B. (2012). Correlation of increased antioxidation with the phenolic compound and amino acids contents of Camellia sinensis leaf extracts following ultra high pressure extraction. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18, 623-628.

(4) Sharma, L., & Pundir, R. (2019). Antimicrobial Potential of Camellia sinensis against Skin Associated Microbial Pathogens. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology.

(5) Devadharshini, R., Charulatha, S., Das, A., & Bindhu, J. (2021). Structural Analysis and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Camellia sinensis Aqueous Extract. International journal of current research and review, 13, 185-191.

(6) Andrew, I., Sunday, H., Ukamaka, I., & Bamidele, T. (2022). Bioactive Components and Antioxidant Properties of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Fresh and Processed Camellia sinensis in Alloxan-induced Albino Rats. Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Bioresource Technology.