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Yeast Extract, also known as yeast extract or Saccharomyces cerevisiae extract, effectively relieves itching. (1) The active ingredient also has moisturizing, wound-healing and cell-renewing effects. It has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties that can improve skin quality. (2)

(1) Dhurat, Rachita; Sharma, Aseem; Surve, Ravina; McCoy, John; Kovacevic, Maja; Goren, Andy; Tan, Yimei; Zou, Ying; Goldust, Mohamad; Situm, Mirna; Stanimirovic, Andrija (2020). Novel yeastextract is superior to colloidal oatmeal in providing rapid itch relief. Journal of Cosmetic

Dermatology, (), jocd.13436-. doi:10.1111/jocd.13436

(2) Gaspar, L. R., De Camargo, F. B., Gianeti, M. D. & Campos, P. M. B. G. M. (2008). Evaluation of dermatological effects of cosmetic formulations containing saccharomyces cerevisiae extract and vitamins. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46(11), 3493-3500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2008.08.028