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Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring polysaccharide consisting of glycosidically bound glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine monomers. Our skin is the most important storehouse of hyaluronic acid in the body, as it stores around half of the body's total hyaluronic acid content. Under optimal conditions, hyaluronic acid is found in all layers of the epidermis and dermis. Hyaluronic acid is an important component in the extracellular matrix of tissues such as connective tissue and it has the ability to bind large amounts of water, which is why it is used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, among other things. It also has many important functions such as the formation of proteoglycans. (1)

(1) Smejkalova, D., Huerta-Angeles, G., Ehlova, T., & Dobrouc, D. (2015). Hyaluronan (Hyaluronic Acid): a natural moisturizer for skin care. Harry's Cosmeticology, 9th ed; Chemical Publishing Company: Gloucester, MA, USA, 2, 605-622.